Mindmap: So good they can’t ignore you
Why skills trump passion in the quest for work = Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before.
Created by Danh Miller
Read So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport
Trump sth = to beat sth
In the quest for = seeking or hunting sth, trying to find sth
Less is more
Focus on critical task <- Eat that frog
Let your brain’s wandering
Cal Newport advice you should quick social media
Trying to express your idea when you interact face to face with other people
<-> Friends
Lesson 2: Become a craftsman to collect the skills you need
How To Get Your Mind Into The State Of Flow
Csíkszentmihályi has concluded: productively will be at peak when your mind constantly maintain in the flow state, it also means you get the happiness state.
To compare with fictional heroic characters in Kim Dung’s martial arts novels, those who trained to the peak of their skills, bonded their body and mind, exert boundless power like ‘Duong Qua’ with ‘Am Nhin Tieu Hon Chuong’, or ‘Truong Vo Ky’ with ‘Can Khon Dai Na Di’.
How to immerse in that flow sate is the real question. Follow Csíkszentmihályi, if only we get both chanllenges and competence to control that (zone 8).
In real life, we always fall in zone 1…7. We sometimes feel sad, depressed, unconfident,…
This way we need bravation: self awareness -> self control -> self confident